Wow – time flies!  Says everyone every year, right?! It’s the kids’ last day of school today, and we are so ready for some down-time this summer.

As is the custom, here are the comparison shots – first day of school, last day of school. I’ve officially got two kids in “real school” now – meaning they are both in a grade level. Wow, a first grader and a 4th grader in September – yikes! (BTW, Did you see their pink hair?! They’ve been patiently waiting for their promised “summer hair” for months and they are SO excited about it!)

Our back to school gifts have been sent to school with hand written notes and will hopefully be happily received. A one-hour baby blanket for my youngest’s pregnant teacher. It’s made from the cutest fabric I got from the now-closed Double Decker Fabrics last year. The characters actually shape the letters of the alphabet. I’m so excited to finally use this one. (and excited that I have a meter or so left in my stash!) I shared a photo on Facebook and Instagram this week.

I totally forgot to take photos of my oldest’s gifts. #bloggerfail She chose fabrics so I could make some Sunny Glasses Cases for her teachers. These are my go-to teacher’s gift since they are (hopefully) universally useful and can be made in about 1/2 an hour. Blue and cameras for the French teacher and Reds for the English teacher – apparently their favorites. I hope at least! It’s always a guessing game with end-of-year gifts. I’d love to know what your favorite teacher gift is. Or, if you are a teacher – what would you like to receive?

On a fabric-lover note, I’m so excited for my latest happy mail that came in earlier this week! Fabric Spark has asked me to curate a fat quarter bundle for their Monthly Sparks fabric subscription. As always I am humbled to be included in such an amazing list of bloggers that curate these bundles. Wow! It’s been sent out early to avoid our possibly impending postal strike… argh. So I get to share it with you today!

This bundle started when I noticed a lack of yellows in my fat quarter stash. Seeing as how my oldest has decided her bedroom redo will be a mix of turquoise, yellow and pink – I thought maybe it was a good time to replenish the stock – plus, isn’t yellow a nice fun summery colour? Mixed with the pinks I think it’s my favorite of the bundles I’ve put together so far. #funinthesun

I built the bundle off of the multi-colourful Andover Hothouse Flowers from Mo Bedell. The small splashes of greens in the pinks and yellows make me happy! Plus, who could be sad when there are cats and yarn involved. It’s my current favorite Cotton & Steel print. 🙂 Fabric Spark has a waiting list for the Monthly Sparks subscription bundle, and if you can’t wait, there are 4 other amazing monthly subscription bundles you can sign up for! And, have you heard of their fun Summer of Fabric Love? They have a new giveaway, deal, promotion or surprise every week, all summer!

I’m off to finish up some deadlines and plan the last details for our Canada Day/End of School pool party tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend, Canada Day and/or Fourth of July!